According to my earnest expectation and my hope
that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but that with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether it be by life, or by death.
Philippians 1:20

Monday, February 22, 2010

John 14:18

I was sitting in Relief Society yesterday, talking about one of my favorite things, Our Savior. Our teacher kept referring to a talk by Jeffery R. Holland from the April 2009 Conference "None were with Him." [Wonderful talk, most definitely recommend checking it out!] I referred to my little "church journal" to see what notes I had taken on this talk and what impressions, if any, I could share. I saw written at the top, almost as an after thought since it wasn't really in the flow of my normal notes, John 14:18. With nothing else written around it, I looked it up to see why I had written it down in the first place. In the King James Version of the Bible, it reads:

I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.

What an amazing thought! We will never be left alone, comfortless. We will always have someone there; Christ will come to us. What really intrigued me though was following further the actual words, particularly, comfortless. Again the LDS King James version of the Bible [which I will usually refer to, just to let you know !] has a footnote for that particular word. The footnote read "Greek: Orphans." So, if you interchange those two, "I will not leave you orphans."

Now to me that is an amazing thought! When I picture an orphan I picture a small, poor child, so alone, with no family, no one at all, struggling. Granted I take on the stereotypical 1800's English orphan but that's my first mental image. And Christ will never leave us as orphans, ever. We will always have someone, Him. We will always have a family, wonderful Heavenly Parents, and a loving Elder Brother.

In a world where families are torn apart, unknown and constantly changing, it's such a comfort to now we will never be alone, we will never be orphans and we will never be comfortless.

What is this girl doing!

So you're probably thinking I'm another random person, with another random blog with a bunch of random things to say. Well, you're probably right ! I am just a random person, with random things to say. But I've decided I want to share my random things with whoever has the desire to read them.

I love it because one of my young women from ages ago actually was my inspiration, and you figure it should be the other way around. Not in my life.

So I plan to use this as my outlet to share my little "aha!" moments. I'm sure we all have them, and for some reason, I seem to think I have more lately than normal, and again I want to share !

First off, I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This blog however, is not affliated with them and NONE of what I write should be taken as Gospel truths. I claim to no very little about the extensive subject matter that is the Gospel. This is just a place for me to share my moments of enlightenment. Feel free to ask questions, comment, more often probably correct, anything you have the desire to do. For further information regarding the LDS church there are numerous websites,,,, and I could go on for days.

If you are interested in little things I discover while at church, reading scriptures, talking to people, then by all means, check back. I would say frequently, but I don't want to get ahead of myself and act like I'll be diligent in posting.

So here's to the start of something new and hoping it matters to someone, if only me !